Lottery – SaskSPCA Tue, 07 Dec 2021 22:38:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lottery – SaskSPCA 32 32 SaskSPCA Announces 2021 Spring Cash Lottery Winners Fri, 02 Jul 2021 19:57:44 +0000 (Saskatoon, SK – July 2, 2021) The SaskSPCA is pleased to announce the winners in the 2021 SaskSPCA Spring Cash Lottery. The major prize draws took place in Saskatoon on Wednesday, June 30.

The 2021 edition of the spring Lottery featured over $71,000 in cash prizes, including a $20,000 grand prize. The 50/50 Kitty Pool total of $71,780 marks the largest 50/50 jackpot for the Spring Cash Lottery. Winners from 13 Saskatchewan communities are celebrating their prize wins today.

Rick Fior of Saskatoon was the winner of the $1,000 early bird prize announced on June 15.

The Board and staff of the SaskSPCA extend a big congratulations to all winners in the 2021 Spring Cash Lottery. A sincere thank you to everyone who supported the SaskSPCA by purchasing tickets, making donations, and becoming members during the Spring Cash Lottery.

Proceeds from the Spring Cash Lottery support the work of the SaskSPCA, including:

  • Protecting the victims of violence and their animals
  • Supporting a health, happy retirement for police dogs in Saskatchewan
  • Raising awareness of animal health and safety issues
  • Providing pet food through the Saskatchewan Emergency Pet Food Bank during the COVID-19 pandemic

The full list of winners is available at and will be published in the Fall 2021 issue of The Humanitarian.

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